Thursday, May 15, 2014

squash typeface

My task is quite simple: Get a tool and use it for a graphic purpose. 
In a thrift shop nearby I found that old wooden squash racket which is already a beauty by itself. The strings form an interesting grid where its' interspace can be seen as pixels, perfectly convenient to create images or animations. As my focus is on typography for this semester I chose to create a typeface and name it squash.

squash has two versions which differ in the scatter of the pixels. Version one uses every possible pixel, version two skips one pixel and more or less forms a package of four rectangles and treats it as one.

The second version came up before the first one, which is smoother and more elegant. In between I made a stop motion animation consisting of about 2000 frames which are manually edited. The sound comes from an extract of a squash game recording where I filtered out the ball hits and adjusted them to fit the movement of the letters.

The typeface will be available to download as a ttf file on my blog by the end of the semester.

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